Title: Splogs
What’s a Splog? Combine the words “Spam” and “Blog,” and you have the latest nasty trick perpetrated on unwary web surfers. Splogs are blog style nonsense pages – similar to those Spam messages that say things like “Show certain intelligent propositions to the traditional investor quoting the Charles Schwab team of advisors.” There are definitely words and phrases you might search on there – but the actual blog means nothing. “Charles Schwab” in the above text might be linked, and clicking it will merely take you to another Splog with more of the same.
What’s the idea?
They’d like you to click on the ads that sit next to the nonsense verbiage. Even if you accidentally click on one of these ads, the Splogger gets paid – this is a “pay per click” deal. So they’re guessing that enough people will inadvertently click the ad to make the whole thing pay off.
Given that many blogs are hosted free of charge – as on Blogspot.com – this could be a lucrative proposition for the Splogger, who only has to invest a little time in setting up a network of Splogs (all of which will rank reasonably high on search engines due to their interconnectedness), and can then sit back and collect the income. Generally speaking, Blog hosts don’t police the bloggers who use their sites, but between the bad press of having surfers land repeatedly on blah-blah-blah blogs, and the clog factor of useless gibberish eating up the host server, sites like Blogspot might just have to start.
By last count, more than half – HALF – the blogs out there were, in fact, Splogs!
Get Around Quick Tips
Keystroke combinations for quick IE actions:
F11 - Toggle to full screen mode)
Alt - Toggle a display of the status bar)
Ctrl+F – Open the “Find” feature
Ctrl+N – Open the current page in a New window
Ctrl+A – Select everything on the page
F5 – Refresh the current page
Alt+D – Select the text in the Address bar
What’s a Splog? Combine the words “Spam” and “Blog,” and you have the latest nasty trick perpetrated on unwary web surfers. Splogs are blog style nonsense pages – similar to those Spam messages that say things like “Show certain intelligent propositions to the traditional investor quoting the Charles Schwab team of advisors.” There are definitely words and phrases you might search on there – but the actual blog means nothing. “Charles Schwab” in the above text might be linked, and clicking it will merely take you to another Splog with more of the same.
What’s the idea?
They’d like you to click on the ads that sit next to the nonsense verbiage. Even if you accidentally click on one of these ads, the Splogger gets paid – this is a “pay per click” deal. So they’re guessing that enough people will inadvertently click the ad to make the whole thing pay off.
Given that many blogs are hosted free of charge – as on Blogspot.com – this could be a lucrative proposition for the Splogger, who only has to invest a little time in setting up a network of Splogs (all of which will rank reasonably high on search engines due to their interconnectedness), and can then sit back and collect the income. Generally speaking, Blog hosts don’t police the bloggers who use their sites, but between the bad press of having surfers land repeatedly on blah-blah-blah blogs, and the clog factor of useless gibberish eating up the host server, sites like Blogspot might just have to start.
By last count, more than half – HALF – the blogs out there were, in fact, Splogs!
Get Around Quick Tips
Keystroke combinations for quick IE actions:
F11 - Toggle to full screen mode)
Alt - Toggle a display of the status bar)
Ctrl+F – Open the “Find” feature
Ctrl+N – Open the current page in a New window
Ctrl+A – Select everything on the page
F5 – Refresh the current page
Alt+D – Select the text in the Address bar