What's Wii and Why Do I Care?
Having been born in the pre-personal-computer era, it is sometimes difficult for me to stay on top of what's new, and particularly, to spot the trends that are are going to change the computing world.
So when I saw the acronym "Wii" cropping up here and there, I forced myself to wonder what it was, and to find out whether it would have any impact on my day to day computer experience.
Simply put, Wii is the latest games console from self-described "gaming giant," Nintendo. "Wii aims to change the face of gaming with a revolutionary controller..." While the new Wii package contains other laudable elements, Nintendo seems to be banking on the "revolutionary controller" as its key selling feature.
And what is that controller? They call it "Wimote," and say "it more resembles a TV remote control that a typical game paddle."
Admitting that at first glance it seems to simple to control all the complex activity in today's modern games, the makers explain that Wimotes also contain motion sensors, which means that the users' own actions become input. The Wimote can also be coupled with a second device so that gamers can have both hands, and essentially, their bodies/arms in the game, all at one time. Wii also comes with a classic style gamepad for compatibility with older consoles.
The new gaming console is due out November 19, just in time for Christmas buying.