If for no other reason, I'd be impressed with Wiggio for its introduction to itself:
"We started Wiggio out of our own frustrations with endless email chains, using five different websites for five different functions, and all the other hassles associated with working in groups. We were tired of sending eleven emails back and forth to set a meeting time. We were tired of "that guy" who just never knows where and when to be there. We were tired of multiple mailing lists, contact books, phone-chains and incompatibilities. We wanted everything to be in one place, and we wanted it simple."
Anyone who has worked on a team, particularly a busy team, even more so a team that isn't always in one place at one time, will appreciate those words - and the frustration that accompanies them.
While Wiggio - a free tool - may not be adequate for the most sophisticated and complex product or software design team, for most team functions, from clubs, groups, even simple (and probably short-lived) work teams, it more than fills the bill.
Set up takes only minutes - it's email based - and once a member has been added, you don't even have to rely on that member to register (yeah, for "that guy!").
Each team, or group, has a home page devoted to that group or project - hence, one person may be a member of many groups, but will get his information based on his team, rather than him as an individual ( a potential downside in a work environment where a single individual may occupy many teams).
A particularly nice feature of Wiggio is the ability to share files in a project folder. In our teams, "missing" files is a perennial problem - "oh, the file just happened" to be sitting on my desktop rather than in the shared drive folder. It's much easier if the person working with the file can save it to a "desktop" no matter where he happens to be - home, work, school, etc. - than if the team has to rely on a VPN, email, etc. for file sharing. There is no upper limit to your space on Wiggio. (But the problem of multiple people working on multiple versions of a file remains.)
Meetings can be scheduled and accessed by various remote members (via phone); and a feature I love is the "chat save" feature, which enables group members to conduct IM sessions, and then save those chats for future reference or writeup.
If you've got a need for team collaboration, and since the price is right, there's no reason not to give Wiggio a try. It may just make dealing with "that guy" a lot easier!
"We started Wiggio out of our own frustrations with endless email chains, using five different websites for five different functions, and all the other hassles associated with working in groups. We were tired of sending eleven emails back and forth to set a meeting time. We were tired of "that guy" who just never knows where and when to be there. We were tired of multiple mailing lists, contact books, phone-chains and incompatibilities. We wanted everything to be in one place, and we wanted it simple."
Anyone who has worked on a team, particularly a busy team, even more so a team that isn't always in one place at one time, will appreciate those words - and the frustration that accompanies them.
While Wiggio - a free tool - may not be adequate for the most sophisticated and complex product or software design team, for most team functions, from clubs, groups, even simple (and probably short-lived) work teams, it more than fills the bill.
Set up takes only minutes - it's email based - and once a member has been added, you don't even have to rely on that member to register (yeah, for "that guy!").
Each team, or group, has a home page devoted to that group or project - hence, one person may be a member of many groups, but will get his information based on his team, rather than him as an individual ( a potential downside in a work environment where a single individual may occupy many teams).
A particularly nice feature of Wiggio is the ability to share files in a project folder. In our teams, "missing" files is a perennial problem - "oh, the file just happened" to be sitting on my desktop rather than in the shared drive folder. It's much easier if the person working with the file can save it to a "desktop" no matter where he happens to be - home, work, school, etc. - than if the team has to rely on a VPN, email, etc. for file sharing. There is no upper limit to your space on Wiggio. (But the problem of multiple people working on multiple versions of a file remains.)
Meetings can be scheduled and accessed by various remote members (via phone); and a feature I love is the "chat save" feature, which enables group members to conduct IM sessions, and then save those chats for future reference or writeup.
If you've got a need for team collaboration, and since the price is right, there's no reason not to give Wiggio a try. It may just make dealing with "that guy" a lot easier!