
It's an inelegant name for an elegant add on to your browsing experience.

So, we all spend a lot of time on the Internet, and a lot of time reading things. Frankly, I enjoy a lot of it, but have to admit that it's time consuming. I find myself scanning, not reading, and losing much of the information I came to a particular site to get. Time.

Along comes "Squirt," a browser plugin that enables you to read any article (long format) page

Hard to believe, but it actually works.

In website creation, we've been warned over and over not to allow our column width to get much beyond the recommended 90 characters - it's difficult to read, and involves too much eye movement. Plus the very appearance of a wide column is daunting and discourages readers from tackling your page. Of course, many developers ignore this, or use a font that's simply too small for comfort - particularly for older readers.

Squirt eliminates the worry of column width, font size, and add to it unheard of reading speeds.

You have to simply try this to believe it - and even if you don't add it to your browser, you will be amazed at the reading speeds you can attain simply by letting Squirt serve you one word at a time, at lightning speed.

In speed reading courses, readers are taught to scan a sentence right in the middle. Eventually, their brains learn to grasp the meaning of the sentence by simply "reading" just a few words of that sentence. They are even trained to run their finger down the page so that each sentence is "read" one at a time. In fact, this technique has a lot in common with what Squirt does for you automatically. But instead of you training your brain to grasp a whole sentence from a few words of it, you are actually "reading" each word individually, at a very rapid pace, as it's delivered to you.

To install, you simply go to http://squirt.io/ and find the Big Blue Button - drag it to your bookmarks bar, and you're done. Now, if you're on a website that offers articles for consumption - an online news site, for example - you click on the Squirt bookmark while on that site, and it will translate the site to a one-word-at-a-time experience.

All I can say is, try it. Just for the fun of seeing how fast you can read.

Now I am going to test it out by reading my news sites today using this approach, and see if it actually saves me any time.

I can't say that I'd use such an approach all the time, as sometimes reading is to be savored, and more complex writing still requires a sentences to be mulled over. But for 75% of the "news" type reading we do each day, this could just be the answer to the busy person's prayer.


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